Extreme and Freeriding Website From Snowmass Debuts
Snowmass has launch a new website that showcases the other, lesser known parts of its vast 3,128 acres.
Known as the "intermediate" mountain more geared to family skiing, Snowmass Village officials want to let free-riders and steep-and-deep daredevils know about the mountain's more intimidating terrain with its new website, lauched this winter. Snowmass Mountain is the second largest in the state.
The new website, designed by Promotional Concepts and maintained by Blue Tent Marketing, is divided into three areas: Parks & Pipes, Freeride and Backcountry.
In easy-on-the-eyes and glorious red, white and black, take a look at www.snowmassfreeride.com.
For more information, contact Wendy Harris, Web Administrator, Snowmass Village Marketing/Special Events at www.snowmassvillage.com. Or call Allison Johnson at (970) 309-5485.
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