Sunday, December 21, 2008

People You Should Know About: Big Bald Bobby Returns Again To "Daily Reports/Locals' Lowdown"!

Aspen resident, Bob Schafer, shows you trails like no one else via his blog on under "Aspen Mountain."

Who the heck is Big Bald Bobby, you ask?

I have not met him and even when I aksed Skico ticket sellers at the Highlands last year if they knew of him, or where he could be found, they drew a blank. I drew a blank that they knew nothing of somebody who was making entertaining and informative contributions to the website owned and opertated by the company from which they (2 staff members) were employed. "Big Bob Baldy?" she said, puzzled.

But... He's a real person. And, according to his statement below, has logged in more skiing hours than some skiers record in their lifetimes.

He posts new, current condition photos every couple of days. If you want to get a "Bob's eye view" of Aspen Mountain and Highlands trails, with helpful, often tongue-and-cheek commentary, take a look at "Local's Low Down" on the Skico's website.

Here is his opening statement on the website found under "Mountains," then "Daily Reports," then "Local's LowDown."

Last Updated: 12/19/08
Big Bald Bobby is back for another winter of updates so you can see exactly what is going down(no pun intended) on the mountains of Aspen/Snowmass.
I've been living here since the early 90's and have skied over 100 days a season for the last 15 years in a row. I know every inch of all four mountains and would like to pass some of my local knowledge on to you and your vacation decision. I also know when you're planning your vacation, it's tough to tell what the conditions are really like. This little blog is designed with photos and diatribe so you can see for yourself. I try to eliminate the fluff you so often see with other webpages and give you the skinny that only the local's lowdown page can give you. Happy skiing and see you out there! Any questions, drop me a line at and I'll answer as time allows."

Two years ago when I wrote him asking for photos of the Oly side of the Highlands, as-yet uncharted terrain for me, he not only posted photos within a couple of days, but wrote back saying he did just that. And, he captured what I really wanted to see: the actual pitch of the run! And, to the best of my
knowledge, he was not tilting the camera. It was as steep as I envisioned.

Top-notch reporter.

Bob's blog shows trails that are favorites, as yet uncharted, and, too boot, shot with some care to composition and sunlight direction; rare among non-professional photojournalists! He gives us a look at what we are missing, if not there yet; and, a little fun for those who have been there, know the trails as favorite runs, but haven't made it out in a season or two, or not yet this year.

There is nothing like the three dementional experience of being on the trials under the sunshine on a powder day, but BBB's reports are the next best thing.

Thanks, BBB!

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